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14 reasons why Home Alone 2 is so much better than Home Alone 1

Read it and weep, ya filthy animals.

NO CHRISTMAS FILM has gotten as raw a deal as Home Alone 2: Lost in New York.

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The film was roundly panned by the critics upon its release, and unfairly slandered in last week’s ranking of Christmas movies. But the time has come for me, possibly the film’s biggest fan, to put things right.

Home Alone 2 is better than Home Alone. Here, have 14 reasons why this is a fact.

1. It’s right there in the title – Home Alone 2: Lost in NEW YORK

Being-in-New-York-home-alone-2-lost-in-new-york-38418283-615-403 Source: Fanpop

Kevin’s not just stuck in his own house in the Chicago suburbs, he has to fend for himself in the big city. The stakes are immeasurably higher.

2. Then there’s the Talkboy

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It saved Kevin’s hide numerous times – OK, so it was nothing but a cynical marketing ploy, but what a cynical marketing ploy!

(Full disclosure: I had a pink one. And it was all because of this film.)

3. Catherine O’Hara’s anguished cry of “KEVIIIIN!” is everything

She really goes for it in this film.

Source: kvncsc/YouTube

“Give this to Kevin.” “Kevin’s not here.”

4. New York has never looked more exciting

home alone brooklyn Source: NYU Local

When he first arrives, Kevin performs the incredible task of exploring every major New York landmark within a couple of hours, without needing a good long sit down.

That shot of him speeding across the Brooklyn Bridge, hanging out the window of a taxi? Amazing.

5. There’s a callback to The Breakfast Club

allysheedy Source: YouTube

The airport clerk who tells Kevin he’s in New York City? ‘Tis only Ally Sheedy, AKA The Basketcase. Love you, John Hughes.

6. Sticky Bandits > Wet Bandits

DanielStern1 Source: Crocodilz

It just seems like a more efficient way to do crime.

7. There’s Tim Curry, playing the slimiest hotel concierge there ever was

timcurryiloveyou Source: YouTube

What a strange delight to watch Tim Curry in Home Alone 2 as a kid, then grow up and realise the very same fellow plays an alien sex fiend in the Rocky Horror Picture Show!

8. “I’d like an extra large bed, a TV, and one of those little refrigerators you have to open with a key. Credit card? You got it.”

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Of course Kevin would land in New York and con his way into one of the fanciest hotels in the city. Because he’s a genius.

9. This entire scene

Only in the world of Home Alone would a pool inflatable be mistaken for an actual human being.

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“Get outta here ya nosey little pervert, or I’m gonna slap you silly!”

10. There’s Duncan’s Toy Chest, toy shop of dreams

Toys Source: BlogSpot

My heart broke when I found out it didn’t actually exist.


OK, so she’s only filling in the Person Who Teaches Kevin Appearances Aren’t Everything role inhabited by the ‘Snow Shovel Killer’ in the first film, but she does it brilliantly.

UamwSsc Source: Imgur

How was she never caught sneaking up into the attic of Carnegie Hall? No idea! This film makes zero sense, and I love it.

12. There’s this beautiful bit of music by John Williams

Source: MrSpartacus09/YouTube

Played when Kevin realises that he does love his family – oh, and he wants to help sick children too. Or something.

13. The pranks are RIDICULOUS

As I said before, the stakes are immeasurably higher, and Kevin has a whole abandoned, half-demolished house to play with.

anigif_enhanced-buzz-11200-1387394548-0 Source: Buzzfeed

Marv gets electrocuted at one stage, and we see his actual skeleton. It’s a riot. (In a more realistic movie he would have died right there, but do I care? I don’t care.)

14. And most importantly, it gave us this iconic line

Thus sealing the fact that Home Alone 2 is far, far better than Home Alone. I rest my case.

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And a happy new year. *gunshot*

More: 19 iconic Christmas movies, ranked from worst to best>

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